Generali has digitised its recruitment process. Nalgoo's innovations move us forward.

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Initially, the head office of Generali insurance company was looking for a system to digitalize its recruitment processes. For more than a year it has relied upon Nalgoo ATS and, based on the positive changes which were implemented, it has now expanded this approach into its own sales network. Apparently, this is not the final milestone! In the future, Generali wants to introduce it on other processes as well.

At the beginning of last year, the HR department of Generali, which belongs to the top three strongest insurance companies on the Slovak market, decided to make recruitment more efficient, faster and mainly digital. Although they had experience with a specialised system, they spent a lot of time on candidate administration, which was to the detriment of the quality of their work. "We wanted a system that would simplify and automate the hiring of candidates, offer a wide range of possibilities in the future and adapt to our processes," says Andrea Oravcová, HR Business Partner at Generali. "Based on their positive references, we approached Nalgoo and soon developed a mutual understanding and liking, resulting in the decision to proceed with the collaboration. We soon started discussing what our vision and expectations were for the new system."

The implementation was very quick and smooth. "In the initial phase, the Nalgoo team tried to understand our needs and the recruitment process," Andrea describes the process. "The Nalgoo team showed us clear examples of what working with a candidate would look in reality. Once the details were fine-tuned, Nalgoo launched a demo version, where we had the opportunity to learn how to work with the system while supported by Nalgoo trainers," explains the HR Business Partner.


Ideas incorporated right away

"From the very early meetings we appreciated the human approach, active listening to our needs or ideas and then adapting to find a solution. The Nalgoo team is always open to listening to our ideas and usually they are incorporated in the next release. When a problem arises, they are willing to adapt to our requests and help. I appreciate the strong pro-client approach and the desire to move forward," Andrea evaluates the cooperation.


Less administration, more creative activities

The company has been using Nalgoo for more than a year and the first positive changes have already taken place. "Thanks to the system, our recruitment process is now automated and digital. We can focus more on meaningful creative activities and we don't have to deal with the operational workload," says HR manager Katarína Bobotová. In 2018, 119 positions were opened within the company's headquarters and over 400 interviews were conducted. Entering a new candidate into the system is fast. No more typing first name, last name and other details! The system downloads all the necessary data automatically from the CV. "No more searching through CVs. I can find all the job candidates from different sources in one place. I have an overview of the candidates, indicating which step of the selection process they are in, so now I cannot forget to send them feedback concerning their CV."


With regard to the GDPR

"Automatically tracking the validity of a candidates' personal data is a great advantage because it would be very difficult to keep track of the several thousand candidates we have in the database," admits the HR Business Partner. The system allows the team to collaborate with each other. Andrea can see the activities of her colleagues relating to available positions, candidates in progress and communication with them. This allows other colleagues to take over the selection process seamlessly. Another benefit of the system is building a quality database of candidates with information on what positions they have applied for in the past, including a note on why they didn't pass the interview process. "From one place we can publish content to social media and job portals, which saves us a lot of time as I can advertise a position on multiple portals with one click." The system is linked to Outlook. "I can add videos and images to the job postings and easily share them on social networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook, which helps me to build my company and employer brand. I can reject a large number of candidates with one click, which saves a huge amount of time." Nalgoo has 7 staff within the head office for HR. "It's a simple and intuitive system that we love working with. Currently, we can't imagine operating without Nalgoo in today's fast-paced digital age of HR," Andrea expressed.


After the head office, the sales network

Head office has also applied the system to its own business network, where 43 unit managers, 6 regional directors and 8 assistants are currently utilizing it. "Based on the pilot project of digitalizing the recruitment process of the head office, we undertook an analysis of what benefits the system has brought us. Our own business network perceived Nalgoo very positively and decided to implement the system based on the positive experience of head office," says the HR manager. In the sales network, unit managers use it to manage the recruitment of salespeople. They move individual candidates according to the step of the recruitment process they are currently in and store information about them. Nalgoo is also used by regional directors, who have an overview of each recruitment process and the activities of their unit managers based on statistics. Even regional assistants have access to the system and regularly advertise on the job portals.


New functionalities set us apart from the competition

Generali's Slovak branch is the first in its multinational setup  to use a digital system to recruit candidates for its internal network. "When colleagues from other countries found out about our digital recruitment process, they expressed interest." The Slovak HR team sees Nalgoo as a long-term partner with whom they would like to expand their cooperation in the future, through the digitalization of other processes - onboarding and candidate adaptation. "We are extremely satisfied with Nalgoo. They constantly brings us new functionalities, which allows us to move forward and differentiate ourselves from the competition in many cases. I recommend it not only for HR, but to anyone who wants to manage their recruitment process data more efficiently," Andrea evaluates the cooperation. "We wish the Nalgoo team many more satisfied clients who will enjoy working with the system as much as we do."

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