With Nalgoo ATS, our recruitment process has become more efficient and simplified as far as possible

Photo Kistler Edit

The Slovak branch of Kistler with more than 120 employees is a subsidiary of the Swiss company Kistler Group, a world leader of dynamic measuring systems. The local HR team was looking for a suitable tool to manage their recruitment processes. After about a year of using the Nalgoo ATS recruitment system, they have seen savings in time and energy for individual tasks, have clear data available at any time all in one place, and have more time to invest in internal HR projects thanks to the automation of processes.

The Slovak branch of Kistler develops software for systems that are used in the creation of new generations of engines by large automotive companies, in real-time analysis and monitoring of vehicles, and are penetrating the field of Industry 4.0 or cloud computing. Its HR team had grown steadily and the system in use was no longer meeting the department's growing requirements. "In 2015, we opened the branch. In 2016 and 2017, as the HR team grew, the recruitment process became more and more complicated as we initially used a simple system. However, this did not cover the increasing requirements of the processes. It became limiting and we needed a more sophisticated system," says Katarína Bíliková, HR Manager at Kistler. "We analysed the portfolio of systems in Slovakia and in principle our primary expectations of internal HR were met by Nalgoo. Other systems contained a lot of functionalities that were not fully usable for our process," Katarína describes the selection process.

We analysed the portfolio of systems in Slovakia and in principle our primary expectations of internal HR were met by Nalgoo.


We were encouraged by the team's willingness

"We were intrigued by Nalgoo ATS and assumed it would not be so robust. The very first meeting with the development team confirmed this to us. We found that it contained the foundation we needed and we could build on it," says the HR Manager. "We were encouraged by the Nalgoo team's openness to develop and adapt functionalities within the system that were tailored to our needs. This steered us towards utilising Nalgoo. The other reason we decided on the system was the new GDPR regulation and the way Nalgoo responded to it."


How has the system been helpful?

The system aids the team  throughout the entire recruitment process. "It gives us a very good overview of which positions we currently have open, which are currently advertised, as we can post content to N-gate and a well-known job portal through the system," Marcela Gulyásová, recruiter at Kistler, describes the benefits of the system. "Reminders alert us to an ending publication. That way we can monitor and manage the process effectively. We have applicants from all the different sources in one place, so we can link applications from LinkedIn or any other platforms, which is a big plus for us. Previously, we were receiving CVs in an email and we needed to manually enter them into the system." This step makes the process much easier and reduces the processing time of the CVs. The system also offers different templates that a recruiter can use to approach, reject or invite candidates to a meeting. At the same time, all members of the HR department have access to the candidate's history. "We can very efficiently keep track of the information and communication that is stored in the system and thus go back through and review the entire process. We also have a very good overview of the data gathered from the analysis features available. The system keeps track of the number of candidates, first and second rounds and ultimately the people recruited. We appreciate analytics."


We evaluate data expressly

The system also allows the HR department to make decisions based on real data. The HR manager compares the system with the previous one. "It was more difficult to work with the data from the previous system. Now we have analysis generated with one click. We can filter the data very quickly and determine whether a particular source provides us candidates or not . At the same time, we track the cooperation with recruitment agencies in the system. We are able to present transparent results in numbers  at regular meetings with the agencies by being able to identify the sources candidates came from. If an enquiry comes in from management about how we are progressing with the selection process, we have no problem responding to it ad hoc within 20 minutes."  At the moment, the team selects the number of applications, first and second rounds, data by source, and exports that data in about 5 minutes. Previously, it took roughly an hour. Those are the basic parameters. Data is also broken down by month so we can compare the periods. "By being in the IT sector, we also keep track of how many applications we have coming in under each technology. Allowing us to track changing trends throughout the year. Based on these, we can make certain predictions," adds the HR manager.

It was more difficult to work with data from the previous system. Now we have analysis generated with one click.


The process has been shortened and simplified

"When a candidate reapplies for a job, Nalgoo immediately alerts us to the existence of a duplicate applicant and we can view the past record as long as we have the applicant's consent," introducing other positives for the recruiter. In the older system, team members had to manually search for the candidates on the system.  This could easily result in human error when manually processing the data "We had to proactively check for that. Now we have the data as soon as we enter the system. Previously, such a process took us about 3 minutes."


Seconds versus minutes

The HR manager specifies the time savings. "Actions are now a matter of seconds, whereas before we had to link data from multiple systems ourselves, which took minutes. By not having a system that could filter in any way, and the transitions to LinkedIn or the job portal weren't smooth, we were also receiving irrelevant candidates. Essentially, having a system in place has streamlined the selection process and given us a relevant talent pool."

"When a candidate reapplies for a job, Nalgoo immediately alerts us to the existence of a duplicate applicant and we can view the past record as long as we have the applicant's consent."


Adjusted to suit client needs

During the implementation phase, the HR team worked with the Nalgoo team and the IT department to set up many elements. "A lot of functionality was added to the system based on the processes we already had established from the old system, so that we could follow the same steps during the recruitment process and extract the same data from the system. However, Nalgoo brought a high level of automation and sophistication to the process," recalls Marcela Gulyásová about the early days of the collaboration.


Willing to look for solutions

Marcela evaluates the communication with the support team as follows. The vibe we felt from the Nalgoo team was one of interest and willing. We very much appreciated their approach. We never heard that something was not possible. They always tried to look for ways to solve problems and apply a solution to meet our needs. The moment it could not be implemented, we agreed to drop it or find an alternative. I don't recall anything major that could not be modified to our satisfaction. We always found a compromise or a simpler solution."

The vibe we felt from the Nalgoo team was one of interest and willing. We very much appreciated their approach. We never heard that something was not possible. They always tried to look for ways to solve problems and apply a solution to meet our needs.


Development is constant

Kistler has connected Nalgoo to a well-known job portal. "Occasionally, there are minor flaws such as formatting not working or the Apply button. We always resolve it with the Nalgoo team within 1 or 2 days," Marcela appreciates. The team is informed of every change. "We can test and adapt it right away. We don't have to ask for changes, but we know that the development is still ongoing while at the same time there is verification with the client. We also receive suggestions for new functionalities from the team on a regular basis," adds the HR manager.


Has the system met expectations?

 "Usually the systems are huge and contain a lot of functionalities. By having a foundation to build on, Nalgoo ATS has really met all our needs. When something happens, there is a very quick response and implementation. We are extremely satisfied. We would definitely recommend it to other companies," says Katarína Bíliková.


The Kistler HR team sees the main benefits of the system as follows:

  • Transparency
  • Availability of information and data on the recruitment process in one central place
  • The possibility for several people to work actively in the system at the same time
  • Interactivity
  • Reflection on employer branding needs, for example through the N-Gate system it is possible to inject company visuals into the system, which supports branding
  • Sophisticated reporting
  • Self-management, control over the system - allows you to add different company templates, resources and updates
  • Flexible communication with candidates
  • Helpful customer service


Flexible and design-pleasing solution

After the successful implementation of the system, the Slovak team was able to apply the saved time and energy to other projects within internal HR. Managing the recruitment process no longer takes up so much of their time and energy.  "We wish the Nalgoo system to remain in the spirit: less is more. I personally like the fact that it reflects the needs of the client, the implementation team is customer-oriented and makes every effort to understand the company's processes," Katarína Bíliková expressed her wishes for the future of the Nalgoo team. "We hope they find many cooperative clients. Nalgoo ATS is a modern, nice, user-friendly and customisable solution, which is essential because many legacy systems are inflexible. It offers a lot of opportunity for bespoke adaptation."

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